The Water Governance Implementation Program contributed to a better water management at basin scale, by improving the capacity of the Awash Basin Development Office and its experts. We defined several roles that needed to be fulfilled to become a more effective river basin authority. In these roles we gave trainings, coaching, reflection, guided activities, etc. The main roles were:
- The Awash Basin Development Office is a good policy developer and planner
- The Awash Basin Development Office is a good coordinator
- The Awash Basin Development Office is a good information provider
- The Awash Basin Development Office is a good regulator
- The Awash Basin Development Office is a good communicator
- The Basin High Council can fulfill its role as the decision making body of the Awash Basin Development Office
A selection of the results are as follows. A Strategic Basin Plan including several detailed action plans has been set up. Contacts and communication with stakeholders have improved. Staff of the Awash Basin Development Office is more aware of the importance of good water governance and how to realize this. The Awash Basin Development Office developed several elements of a regulatory system. The Basin High Council (BHC) is functional again and takes major decisions on a regular basis.